Content Management System - IT

If there is no black band at the head of this window, log in using this button>>

To create a NEW post use the [+ New] tab on the black band.

To DELETE a post go to the dashboard under the [Sport Achievement] tab on the black band, then go to Posts, then Trash the one you want to delete.

This page gives you a way to check and tweak items (technically “posts”) that already exist.

To edit a post, click on the Image or the title of the relevant card, that will lead you to the post, then go to [Edit Post] on the black band.

pro tip: when opening a post from his page, right click on the image or the title and open in a new tab. That way this one stays open and you can refer back to it and remind yourself what categories etc you need.


When writing posts, remember  –

Don’t use H1 at all (it is reserved for the Post title)

H2 looks like this

H3 Looks like this

(H4 looks like this but is White – use it for Smallprint Titles)
H5 looks like this
H6 looks like this

So I suggest using H5 and H6 for emphasis in posts and offers as yellow is difficult to read on a white background.

Use H4 for Titles in Smallprint – white on dark background.


Remember that posts appear in places according to CATEGORIES, so if a post seems to have disappeared, then that’s almost certainly because the categories are not filled in correctly. Find the post in the dashboard/posts tab as decribed above, edit it and correct the categories.


There should only be 4 Posts here, one in each section, they should only have the subcategory package 1 2 3 or 4. No other categories.

Package 1

This post controls BOTH what appears on the Homepage Packages Carousel AND what appreas on the page it links to.

package 1


Only shows on the carousel


Shows on both the carousel and the page it leads to.


Shows on both the Carousel and the page

Ti sei mai chiesto perché le tue eccezionali abilità in allenamento sembrano prendere una pausa ...


should only be one and Match the Package Number above


space for possible custom field

Package 2

This post controls BOTH what appears on the Homepage Packages Carousel AND what appreas on the page it links to.

package 2


Only shows on the carousel


Shows on both the carousel and the page it leads to.


Shows on both the Carousel and the page

Hai mai dubitato se sei veramente capace, proprio prima di una partita o competizione cruciale? ...


should only be one and Match the Package Number above


space for possible custom field

Package 3

This post controls BOTH what appears on the Homepage Packages Carousel AND what appreas on the page it links to.

package 3


Only shows on the carousel


Shows on both the carousel and the page it leads to.


Shows on both the Carousel and the page

I membri del tuo team sono eccezionali individualmente, ma hanno bisogno di acquisire forza mentale ...


should only be one and Match the Package Number above


space for possible custom field

Package 4

This post controls BOTH what appears on the Homepage Packages Carousel AND what appreas on the page it links to.

package 4


Only shows on the carousel


Shows on both the carousel and the page it leads to.


Shows on both the Carousel and the page

Ti è mai capitato di sentire quella paura sottile ma persistente insinuarsi prima di una ...


should only be one and Match the Package Number above


space for possible custom field

About Coaching

These posts are to engage your audience, keep them interested, keep them on your website longer, and to raise your credibility as a professional.

You can write as many of these as you want.  Choose your best 4 and give them the extra category sidebarfour – those four will appear in the margin of other posts, with the most recent one at the top.  Don’t choose more than four or extra ones will get lost and not show The rest will appear at the bottom of the page  – they will see them when they have finished reading the current one.

You should “pin” only one one of these posts (add extra category pinned) at any one time. It will appear on your About Coaching panel on your homepage so it will be the first one people see.

Pinned - will appear on the Homepage under 'About Coaching'

The pinned post is the first post that people will see when they enter your blog about coaching.

There must only be one pinned post. If you pin more than one, then the others may get lost. (just untick the pinned category)

The pinned post must also have a  parent category aboutcoaching It may also be one of your sidebarfour or not, that’s optional.



shows on the button


appears on the index card and also above the featured image on the post

Credi o no, è piuttosto comune che qualcuno diventi consapevolmente convinto che voglia cambiamenti nella ...


should match the list above


prepare content in Google Docs

Use H6 for Headings and H5 for feature text in Brushstroke.
Posts may contain images

These posts are indexed on cards appearing in the sidebar next to the current post that people are reading.

There must be exactly four posts in this section. If you categorise more than four then the rest will get lost. (just untick the sidebarfour category)

These posts must also have parent category aboutcoaching and one may also be your pinned post – that’s optional.



appears on the index card and also above the featured image on the post

Hai mai commesso un errore così grande da sentirsi schiacciato dal peso della delusione? ...


should match the list above


prepare content in Google Docs

Use H6 for Headings and H5 for feature text in Brushstroke.
Posts may contain images


appears on the index card and also above the featured image on the post

Questo è un post per gli atleti che vogliono raggiungere il loro pieno potenziale ...


should match the list above


prepare content in Google Docs

Use H6 for Headings and H5 for feature text in Brushstroke.
Posts may contain images


appears on the index card and also above the featured image on the post

Qualsiasi cosa tu stia facendo nella vita, la consapevolezza di sé è un componente cruciale ...


should match the list above


prepare content in Google Docs

Use H6 for Headings and H5 for feature text in Brushstroke.
Posts may contain images


shows on the button


appears on the index card and also above the featured image on the post

Credi o no, è piuttosto comune che qualcuno diventi consapevolmente convinto che voglia cambiamenti nella ...


should match the list above


prepare content in Google Docs

Use H6 for Headings and H5 for feature text in Brushstroke.
Posts may contain images
Other Posts About Coaching

You can have as many of these as you want. Their index cards  appear at the bottom of your current post and readers will find them after they have read the main article.

These posts must have parent category aboutcoaching. Category pinned is optional



shows on the button


appears on the index card and also above the featured image on the post

Una sessione di gruppo della durata di 60 minuti progettata per connettere atleti in diverse ...


should match the list above


prepare content in Google Docs

Use H6 for Headings and H5 for feature text in Brushstroke.
Posts may contain images


shows on the button


appears on the index card and also above the featured image on the post

Coaching Individuale ...


should match the list above


prepare content in Google Docs

Use H6 for Headings and H5 for feature text in Brushstroke.
Posts may contain images


shows on the button


appears on the index card and also above the featured image on the post

I Boot Camp si concentrano su un argomento specifico e offrono strumenti che aiuteranno gli ...


should match the list above


prepare content in Google Docs

Use H6 for Headings and H5 for feature text in Brushstroke.
Posts may contain images


shows on the button


appears on the index card and also above the featured image on the post

I programmi sono disponibili per singoli individui o team. Un programma è un percorso di ...


should match the list above


prepare content in Google Docs

Use H6 for Headings and H5 for feature text in Brushstroke.
Posts may contain images


There are just two posts here

These posts are for your smallprint. I have made them like this so you can edit them as your policies change from time to time. Previously I put a download button on these pages, (as on my site) but it’s simpler just to let people print them off if they want a record so I changed that.

Remember to use H4 for titles.

Excerpt and featured image:

not applicable leave blank


prepare in Google Docs


should only be
Smallprint nothing else

Anything else

doesn’t show on this type of post

Excerpt and featured image:

not applicable leave blank


prepare in Google Docs


should only be
Smallprint nothing else

Anything else

doesn’t show on this type of post

lorena zuleta

Sport Achievement

This CMS is designed for use on desktop – see you there!